We all agree that some form of exercise coupled with seeing the sun, wildlife, flora and fauna is beneficial to both our physical and mental wellbeing.  My sporty colleagues enjoy activities such as running, horse riding and going to the gym, whereas my favourite is a walk around the local nature reserve photographing the fox family and birdlife. 

Other benefits include:

Top up your vitamin D levels

Vitamin D is needed to keep and maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles – healthy fundamentals when it comes to health and fitness. This vital nutrient regulates calcium and phosphate levels and is naturally produced within the body by ultraviolet B (UVB).

Feel brighter and happier

Being outdoors can help fight off and/or lower depression and anxiety levels due to modulation of key stress hormones and the healthy increase in feel-good endorphins and serotonin secretion – which lifts and brightens your mood. Time spent outdoors is also an opportunity to boost to your immune system and improve immune functionality.

Create positive relationships

Outdoor activities which involve the whole family create healthy and harmonious benefits for all.

Whether you choose a walk, a family swim, a park run or a game of tennis – outdoor activities are a great way to bond as a family and improve relationships. In turn, this helps foster happier relationships: from sharing laughter together, to family members sharing their thoughts and aspirations with each other.  For the kids, the great outdoors enables them to explore fresh environments and master new skills, such as developing co-ordination, increasing their flexibility and boosting their self-confidence.

We’d really enjoy hearing your suggestions for how to de-stress and unwind and what works for you. 

Stay safe & well, Lucy